Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Volunteer

Course Rating Volunteers

The LGA typically rates 5-10 courses annually.  When rating a course, the team evaluates each hole using the USGA Course Rating Team System Handbook. 

The majority of the team’s time is spent measuring distances to various obstacles from specific landing zones based on shot parameters. 

After rating the obstacles, the rating team may play the golf course to gain greater insight, from a playing perspective, and to clarify any doubts or questions that may arise on specific holes or shots.

Championship Volunteers


May serve as marshals, fore caddies, pace-of-play monitors, scoring area volunteers, and other important roles.  An opportunity to gain valuable behind-the-scenes experience in all facets of golf administration.


May serve as starters, pace-of-play monitors, scoring officials, and provide on-course assistance to players.
To serve as an LGA Rules Volunteer, an individual must demonstrate a passion for and comprehension of the Rules of Golf.  Rules Volunteers will not be expected to provide answers to rules questions except as directed by an LGA Senior Rules Official.


Senior Rules Officials must have attended a USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshop within the last four years and scored a minimum passing grade on the post-workshop test.  They will provide in-person rulings as well as through communication with LGA Rules Volunteers.

Volunteer Information Form

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Get More Insight into Being an LGA Volunteer.

View this webinar for full insight as to what one can expect as an LGA volunteer.