LGA Gender Policy Effective January 1, 2019

I. Purpose

The policy is referred to in the Eligibility section of entry applications for all relevant LGA championships beginning with the 2019 championship season. The policy sets forth the procedures by which a transgendered player may participate in an LGA championship. The policy seeks to assure fair competition for all entrants in an LGA championship.

II. Proof of Gender

In any LGA championship in which it is required that a player is a specific gender (male or female), the player must identify himself or herself during the entry application process as a person of that particular gender. Failure to provide proof of gender when gender has been reassigned, and to comply with the process and procedures set forth in this policy, may result in disqualification from the championship. In the event that a player has had gender reassignment surgery at any point after puberty, that player must provide certain documentation to the LGA in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Gender reassignment prior to puberty is not subject to these requirements.

III. Prerequisite for Eligibility

A player who has had gender reassignment must have had a gonadectomy no less than two years prior to the entry deadline for that specific championship.

IV. Procedures and Documentation for Submitting Proof of Gender (First-time Applicants)

As set forth in the championship entry application, each applicant must comply with this policy and these procedures. Eligibility to play in an LGA championship will only be evaluated in connection with a player who has submitted an entry application to play in that LGA championship. The specific LGA championship must be identified in writing with the accompanying documentation specified below.
Gender reassignment documentation must be submitted in triplicate via overnight or first class mail in an envelope marked “Confidential” and addressed to Logan Ray, Louisiana Golf Association, 1003 S. Hugh Wallis Rd. Suite A-2, Lafayette, Louisiana 70508 and received at the LGA no later than five (5) days after the close of entries for the specific championship. The documentation, which will be reviewed by the LGA, must include the following:

Identification of physician who conducted a pre-operative psychiatric evaluation, including name, address and phone number;
Hospital records confirming completed surgical gonadectomy;
All office records documenting related follow-up treatment;
Executed waiver allowing members of LGA medical panel to contact all treating physicians if deemed necessary (Download here).

In the event that hospital records have been purged or lost, or are other otherwise unobtainable, a current physical examination performed by a physician experienced in this type of surgery, a report from that physician, and the documentation referenced in (i) and (iii) above, will be considered and reviewed.

V. Additional Considerations

If questions relating to a player’s compliance with this policy arise, either prior to or after the commencement of a competition or after a competition has been completed, the LGA may contact the player for verification and request that the player provide appropriate documentation in accordance with this policy. A player has seven (7) days after receipt of such a request within which to provide the required documentation to the LGA at the above-referenced address. If the competition has commenced, a player may be permitted to continue in the championship until a determination has been made on the player’s eligibility in accordance with this policy. If it is determined that the player should be disqualified, any award, prize and/or ranking arising from participation in the championship shall be forfeited. The player shall not be banned from future championships so long as the player satisfies the requirements of this policy in connection with future Championships.

Questions regarding the process and procedures can be addressed to Logan Ray, LGA Executive Director at (337) 265-3938.

VI. Privacy

The LGA will maintain such information and documentation in confidence, with only counsel, the LGA medical panel, the Executive Director, and limited LGA staff members having access to such information and documentation.

The LGA expressly disclaims any ability to limit or prevent third-party inquiries made directly to the player or to others. In the event that a third party, including media representatives, makes an inquiry with respect to a particular player’s eligibility to play in a particular championship, the LGA will respond simply that the player was deemed eligible to compete in the championship.